Monday, October 3, 2011

Paris - July 2011

Sue with her afternoon wine at a great Bistro.

Notre Dame Cathedral

Sue with one of the smallest cars we had ever seen!

Entrance to the Louvre Museum

The Mona Lisa was on my bucket list to see.  Check another one off!
Look Ma no arms!   Venus de Milo by Alexandros of Antioch.

Great marketplace to buy French baguettes and croissants.

Almost every type of cheese produced in France is sold at this stand.

Seafood that was caught that morning for sale in the market on the streets of Paris.

View from the top of Notre Dame Cathedral

Bell that Quasimoto (Hunchback of Notre Dame) would have rode on.

View of the Eiffel Tower from position across the Seine River where Adolf Hitler viewed it from during WW II.

One of the skeletons found in the catacombs under the streets of Paris.  Small boy in suit.

People attach notes to locks and lock them to bridges over the Seine.  Love notes, prayers, etc.

The headstone of Jim Morrison (lead singer of The Doors).  40th Anniversary of his death this year.

Sue in front of the Moulin Rouge Cabaret.

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Basilique du Sacre-French Coeur).  The highest point in Paris. 1,325 ft. above sea level.