Monday, May 23, 2011

China October 2010

Maintenance shop and wash bay outside Guangzhou, China

Turf on green after Deep Slicer demo with True-Surface Greens Care Collection unit.

Inspecting the turf after demo of True-Surface GCC.

Chinese version of an airbag.  Look close as child has head in Mom's lap!

Jackie playing with one of his new buddies that ended up biting him.

The crew waiting for dinner to come out of the open pit fire.

Here is our chef for the night cooking over the open pit fire.

Everyone looking pretty right before the demos start.

Great lunch after the morning demonstrations and I have dibs on the fish head!

Vehicle used in China that can haul 1 1/2 tons.  They are everywhere in China also.

Beautiful practice green to use for demonstrations.

I see Jackie decided to play with a puppy hoping it won't bite him like the bird did earlier.