Friday, March 26, 2010

Thailand March 2010

Gathering for the first stop of three during field day for Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia 2010 conference in Pattaya, Thailand.

Think they have enough trolleys? And look at the rainbow of colors.

I think I had a company vehicle that looked like this during one of my jobs.

Lake aerifiers used in Asia.

Dr. Matt Roche from the Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation discussing test plots.

Darren Moore, Golf Course Superintendent at Shadow Creek Golf Club in Beijing, China discussing turf test plots.

Caddie at Siam Country Club.
Dr. Micah Woods, Research Director at Asian Turfgrass Center discussing turf test plots on driving range at Siam Country Club.

Nice landscaping at pitch and putt nine hole course in Pattaya.

Part of the entertainment during dinner.

Part of the caddie crew that took care of the golf tournament players.

Toi Tankuranun, Product Manager for John Deere Asia during our outing to a floating market in Bangkok, Thailand.

Buddhist monk giving blessings at the floating market.

Beautifully hand carved spirit house in Bangkok.