Friday, December 11, 2009

Europe/Asia and Holiday - October and November 2009

Red the knuckelhead kissing a stingray in Stingray City, Grand Cayman. She was cute!
My wife Sue and I enjoying sunset in the Caymans
I always travel "Off the Beaten Path" !
Everyone always said that I would go to HELL! I guess I did. Hell, Grand Cayman

One of the historic harbor ferries used daily to transport passengers from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon, China
Great view of the Hong Kong airport that was built on a man-made island.
You tell me but I believe it is called a Slipper Lobster!

Les, myself, Vaughan and Darry at the Breakers in Sai Kung, China
I prefer the chicken feet to the duck feet anyday!
Step right up and order the goose neck to go at this fast food vendor in Kowloon, China
Street vendor with awesome orchids in Hong Kong and cheap too!
Annie and her daughter during the Loy Krathong festival
3 to 5 pound catfish eating the bread Annie and I were feeding them in front of a Buddist temple
River taxi similar to the one Annie and I rode in to feed the fish.
One of the beautiful temples in the palace in Bangkok
Annie Boriraj, John Deere Asia Pacific and me inside the Royal Palace gounds in Bangkok, Thailand
Atlantic Ocean cliffs at Killkee, close to my home in Ireland