Monday, June 22, 2009

United Kingdom May/June 2009

The London Eye. Was once the world's largest ferris wheel. Singapore has now built a larger one.
Wild looking gargoyle from Westminster Abbey.

Big Ben and the House of Parliment in London.

Marsden limekilns. Kilns were used to manufacture lime for farming and were built in the 1870's along with an entire village of Marsden. The village disappeared by 1977 along with the closing of the kilns.

Marsden lighthouse which was the first all electric lighthouse in the world.

Shorts of Whitburn, Toro distributor in Whitburn, UK.

TSL - Turfcare Specalists Limited in Point Lane, Leadgate.

Steven Bartle and John Russell of The Mower Shop, Toro service center and retail store, in West Haddon, UK.
MOX UK golf cart?

Look, it is an English Shepherd Bull! Better known as Kyloe cattle which is an ancient breed of cattle.

Prayer tree growing on the "Bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond in Scotland.

Ruins of Castell Aberystwyth Castle in Wales.

Craignethan Castle.

View from Castell Aberystwyth Castle overlooking part of the town of Aberystwyth, Wales.

Very artistic gargoyle in Aberystwyth, Wales.

How often do you have to take your sheep for a walk and what is up with the diaper?