Wednesday, August 25, 2010

China Golf Show - Beijing April 2010

2010 China Golf Show was held at the 2008 Olympic Village Expo Hall.

G-Sports Sales Team opening the 2010 Golf Show.

Sun Ying of Greenman spending a little time with me during the show.

Toro knock-off from China manufacture.

Great John Deere Gator Chinese Knock-off.

Time for a quick lunch and back to finish the Golf Show set-up.

Eric Phua of AT & Besqup of Singapore working the True-Surface booth.

Red gets a lesson on driving a Segway.

Christine Li taking a cruise around the golf show on one of the company Segways.

I think it will be fish head soup for dinner tonight!

Greenmans' Headquarters and Factory outside of Beijing.

Greenmans' Banquet Night at the Golf Show.

Please be nice to the grass and stay off as the grass is being nice to you and smiling at you.